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Blood Pressure: Everything You Need to Know

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Blood Pressure: Everything You Need to Know – Blood pressure plays an essential role in blood circulationIt is known as arterial blood pressure because it exerts pressure as if it were a force so that the body’s tissues receive nutrients and oxygen.

Now, sometimes blood pressure is high or low; what are the types of blood pressure? When is it necessary to see a specialist? And, of course, what treatments should follow to level the tension? In this object, we will answer these and other questions.

What Is Blood Pressure?

Blood pressure is the engine or force that allows blood to reach the walls of the arteries. It should be that, although the heart is the organ in charge of pumping blood to the body, blood pressure is what establishes the ” speed with which it travels throughout the body.”

The Specialist In Nephrology, Julian Segura,

used a fascinating analogy to understand the importance of adequate blood pressure.

It compares the circulatory system with the plumbing service of a building. It is a system of pipes through which an unsolidified circulates, and the force at which it circulates must be adequate. If the pressure increases above certain levels, the arteries that carry the blood begin to bright more significant injury and, in the long run, this injury ends up translating into complications”.

Hypertension is a problem that both elderly and young patients can suffer from, hence the importance of knowing the appropriate levels and how to keep them in the correct range.

Types Of Blood Pressure

Types Of Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is into 2, that is systolic or high pressure and diastolic or low pressure. Now, within each one, the following classification stands out:

  • Normal blood pressure. When measuring blood pressure, it should show 120/80 mm Hg. These are the data that are under regular stress.
  • Low tension. Hypotension, as it is also known, it occurs when there is a drop of about 20 mm of mercury.
  • High pressure. Hypertension is one of the most significant common problems in older adults due to the hardening of the arterial walls. It occurs when the value is more excellent than 120 to 129 mm Hg.
  • Pre-hypertension. This new classification is when the patient faces high or low blood pressure symptoms. In general, blood pressure is between 130/80 and 14. It is the right time to take action and avoid a serious long-term health problem.

It is important to note that specific situations can alter the values. It does not mean that the patient suffers from a high or low blood pressure problem. The values may change slightly during the day.

What Voltage Is Dangerous?

Very high or very low voltage is dangerous.  We must monitor when the value is greater than 130-139 mmHg (diastole). Very high hypertensive crises require immediate medical attention.

On the extra hand, low blood pressure is of concern when  80 and 89 mmHg.

The emergency room should be when the pressure is higher than 180/120 mm Hg. Associated severe symptoms such as chest pain, weakness, blurred vision are usually present.

If the blood pressure is high and there are no associated symptoms, wait a few minutes and retake the blood pressure. In this way, it can if the data is correct. If so, the patient will need urgent medical attention.

There are certain patients with pathologies such as diabetes in which the values ​​are high if the figures exceed 140/85 mmHg.

How To Prevent Problems With Tension?

Blood heaviness requires a good rhythm, neither too low nor too high. To health problems, it is necessary to have healthy habits.

  • Avoid ultra-processed foods and implement a more natural diet rich in vegetable fish, among others.
  • Reduce meat consumption.
  • Avoid a sedentary lifestyle and exercise at least one hour a day.
  • No Smoking.
  • Avoid excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  • Reduce the consumption of salt.

Frequently Asked Questions About Blood Pressure

Some people do not see how to react to a surge or drop in voltage. Also, some patients don’t know what they should do to prevent high blood heaviness. Next, we will answer the most frequently requested questions regarding hypertension or hypotension.

Why Do I Have To Worry About High Blood Pressure?

High blood heaviness can reason serious health problems that can even affect your life. High blood heaviness types the heart work harder as it pumps blood with more force. This can lead to experiencing a heart attack, kidney failure, stroke , among others.

What Are The Treatments For High Blood Pressure?

Hypertensive patients should have a diagnosis from a specialist. For this, the tension must take in periodic appointments. If you suffer from hypertension, you should maintain an ideal or healthy weight.

Avoid bad habits such as smoking or drinking alcohol in excess, exercise, and reduce sodium intake. Your GP may prescribe some medications you usually need to follow for life.

When Is It Convenient To Measure The Tension?

Blood heaviness measurement should be done at least once a year for patients, not at risk, such as young adults.

Of course, it is not necessary to do a specialized exam. When going to any medical consultation, you can take the tension. If you follow a relationship of these values, you can diagnose hypertension, hypotension, or the risk of suffering from it. A blood heaviness monitor can work at home, such as APOSAN ARM TENSIOMETER.

How To Lower High Blood Pressure Instantly?

There is no way to lower high blood heaviness, especially when it comes to a heaviness higher than 180/120 mm Hg since this requires immediate attention due to the consequences that it can derive.

It improves eating habits by reducing fatty foods and vegetables, reducing stress, and lowering consumption of harmful substances such as smoking or alcoholic beverages. If, after following these habits, it is impossible to control high blood heaviness, we have to go to the doctor for a diagnosis.

How To Measure Blood Pressure?

In general, in the consultations, the specialist is the one who measures the tension. However, the doctor may recommend that the patient do it at home. This way, accurate data is because there is a more relaxed atmosphere at home.

The “white coat” phenomenon is when blood heaviness is affected by the specialist. Therefore, it is better to have a sphygmomanometer or blood heaviness monitor. There are monitors with an intuitive design and an affordable price.

  • Mercury sphygmomanometer. Professionals use this tool; it is used together with a stethoscope.
  • Electronic appliance. It has a pulse detector and is very easy to use at home. It is susceptible, so the patient should not talk while the pressure is measured.
  • Air sphygmomanometer. It is one of the most popular; you need a phonendoscope to use it.

In conclusion, blood heaviness is a pathology that often has no symptoms. However, it is vitally important to follow a regular measurement, especially if you are over 40 years of age or have family incidents.