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What Athletes Need to Know About Graves’ Eye Disease and Tepezza Hearing Loss

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Diseases and Cures

Tepezza Hearing Loss: It’s easy to believe that exercise and healthy eating will prevent any possible ailment, but there are numerous diseases that can’t be warded off by running or a clean diet. Inherited diseases can strike anyone, no matter their fitness level – and you might not even know you have it until far too late.

One of these rare illnesses is Graves’ eye disease, also known as Thyroid Eye Disease, a complication that stems from hyperthyroidism. Graves’ disease is the most common form of hyperthyroidism, which occurs when your body produces too many endogenous hormones; these small but mighty chemicals impact everything from metabolism to hair texture, including blood calcium levels in major organs like the kidneys. Graves’ disease impacts approximately 3% of the population and has a strong genetic predisposition, in addition to environmental factors like nutrition and other chemical imbalances.

Graves’ eye disease can be debilitating, but some of its first symptoms are quite subtle, such as puffy eyelids and dry, gritty eyes. These could be dismissed as overtraining, tiredness, or getting a drop of sunscreen in your eye, but should they persist, it’s essential that you receive a full checkup from an ophthalmologist. This is especially true should you begin to develop other, more obvious signs, such as double vision and trouble moving your eyes as you turn your head. Fast diagnosis and treatment can slow disease protection and protect your eyesight so you can continue running, hiking, or biking.

As athletes, eye health is one of the most essential components of success, and so it’s vital to recognize the signs of Graves’ disease and seek treatment immediately – as well as know the side effects of those treatments.

Tepezza is the only approved treatment for Graves’ eye disease – but it has weighty drawbacks

Should you learn that your symptoms are due to Graves’ eye disease, know that there is one treatment available, an intravenous medication given over the course of five months. Tepezza blocks certain receptors in the eye that respond to thyroid hormones, which, should they be overloaded due to hyperthyroidism, cause inflammation and stiffness of the ocular muscles. In short, Tepezza reduces swelling in the eye that causes double vision.

Unfortunately, Tepezza can cause serious adverse effects, including tinnitus and hearing loss. You’ve probably experienced tinnitus at a low level a few times during your life, such as in loud environments, but Tepezza-induced tinnitus is persistent and intense, reducing your focus and efficacy. It can even be dangerous, as tinnitus can affect your balance and prevent you from hearing essential environmental sounds, like an oncoming car or a signal from another cyclist. Tepezza can also cause permanent hearing loss which must be ameliorated through auxiliary treatments, such as hearing aids.

These symptoms can not just prevent you but doing what you love, but they can also lead to serious mental illnesses: many of those struck with serious tinnitus also experience depression, which will further throw off your training. It’s clear that though Tepezza is the only option when it comes to preventing Graves’ eye disease, it also comes with some weighty side effects that are difficult to manage on their own.

How to seek restitution for Tepezza hearing loss

While there are numerous treatments available for hearing loss, they can be pricey, especially as you manage the symptoms of a chronic illness and work to recover your stamina. This is why it’s essential to get in touch with a personal injury lawyer should you face adverse side effects from Tepezza, as they can negotiate a settlement on your behalf that will help pay both for the treatments and for the emotional distress caused by tinnitus or hearing loss.

Truly, nothing could be more unsettling than thinking of going up against a pharmaceutical company on your own, one voice in a sea of those suffering from side effects; however, you don’t have to, as experienced lawyers have won numerous settlements against Horizon Therapeutics, the producer of Tepezza. They will advise you on what documentation is required and manage communication with doctors and pharmaceutical representatives on your behalf, so that you can get back to what you love, though perhaps with a different focus than before.

Final thoughts

As athletes, we must think of all worst-case scenarios, from severe weather to serious illnesses. Graves’ eye disease is a silent menace, especially for those with a genetic predisposition, and it’s essential to recognize the symptoms and receive prompt treatment. However, the one treatment available for this disorder also has serious side effects which can sideline you from your sport and wreak havoc on your personal life.

Knowledge is our most powerful ally, so even if you do not believe you’ll ever face issues stemming from hyperthyroidism, it’s possible that a loved one or teammate will: being aware of the symptoms, risks, and treatment drawbacks of Graves’ eye disease may just save a loved one’s life.