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Relieve Tooth Sensitivity To Better Bite Into Life And Rest

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Relieve Tooth Sensitivity To Better Bite Into Life And Rest – The tooth becomes sensitive when the dentin that surrounds it at its base begins to be exposed, leaving the nerves without protection or when the enamel at its top crumbles. Any micro-aggression then leads to severe pain. Certain factors can aggravate the sensitivity, and if this does not pass, you will need to seek the advice of a dentist. The pain associated with tooth sensitivity is debilitating daily because it is throbbing, intense, and difficult to forget…

Relieve Tooth Sensitivity

Relieve Tooth Sensitivity – Since dental pain can have different origins, the sharp, stinging tip of a sensitive tooth should not be confused with the pain of cavities, abscesses, cracked teeth, or gum problems. The sensitivity is easily recognizable: suck a little air between your teeth, and you will immediately feel the characteristic little pain. And if it’s very sharp in one place, Relieve Tooth Sensitivity –  it’s more likely to be a cavity or some other localized problem.

Why do we have sensitive teeth? How to cure it? We will give you all the necessary weapons for a mouth that smiles with well-being!

What Are The Causes Of Sensitive Teeth?

Too vigorous brushing

If you brush your teeth like you’re scrubbing the bottom of a burnt pan, you risk damaging your protective enamel. This tissue that covers your teeth is one of the hardest, and its primary mission is to protect the tooth. If it erodes, the tooth becomes more sensitive, the nerves being more exposed. It is necessary to brush the teeth with a measured force and finish by a passage to the dental floss to eliminate the last impurities.

Irregular Brushing

Bacteria and food that settle on your teeth must regularly prevent the tooth from being attacked. It is the reason why we recommend washing your teeth at least twice a day. If your routine lacks regularity, the acidity of stagnant food in your mouth will attack the coating of your teeth and make them sensitive.

Gum Recession

When the gum recedes, the tooth root becomes more exposed. We are talking about the gingival recession. The base of the revealed tooth is then sensitive to everything: air breathed, food… Indeed, the dentin covering the root of the tooth is much less protective than the enamel.


This strange word designates the teeth’ grinding, which alters the enamel again. Bruxism manifests itself, especially at night; it consists of a regular and severe rubbing of the upper teeth against the lower teeth and vice versa… A deleterious movement for the well-being of your teeth makes them more sensitive in the medium term. Stress is often the primary cause of bruxism. So to prevent wear and tear on your enamel, start by relaxing! Your dentist will have you wear a gutter at night to protect your teeth in severe forms.

Certain Treatments

Some care given to your teeth by your dentist can make them sensitive for a few days. The case of scaling or teeth whitening will make your teeth cozy for a while. There are no particular solutions other than tolerating your pain. Other medical treatments unrelated to your dental problems can also cause sensitivity, such as taking certain neuroleptics.

Fresh Air

When the harsh winter brings down its icy sting on our chilled bodies, the cold air that we suck in sneaks between our teeth. It then attacks the slightest bit of tooth that has lost some of its enamel or whose dentin has battered


  • Too hot: If you swallow a swig of tea, coffee, or any other scorching drink, wherever the enamel is gone, the sensitivity of your tooth will painfully remind you.
  • Too cold: The principle reversed to the previous one for a similar result. Biting into an ice cream will reveal any sensitivity in your teeth and cause you unpleasant pain.
  • Too hard: Save your teeth by avoiding opening beers or cracking nuts with your mouth full. You risk breaking a tooth and, more certainly, even damaging the enamel that covers them.
  • Too sweet: When sugar settles on your teeth, bacteria rush to devour it, leaving in their path acid streaks responsible for the appearance of cavities. But even harmful result teeth, the enamel is first attacked, leaving your teeth at the mercy of sensitivities.
  • Too acidic: Wine, citrus fruits, tomatoes… should be consumed in moderation when you already have fragile enamel. These acidic foods tend to damage the enamel more and thus make our teeth more sensitive.


If you’re sick and vomiting a lot, the acidic bile in your stomach that gets on your teeth can make them sensitive. You can then relieve the pain (and get rid of the unpleasant taste) by practicing mouthwashes and brushing your teeth after each dismissal…

What Are The Remedies For Sensitive Teeth?

Brush Your Teeth Gently

If you find it difficult to calm your passions when you have a brush in your hands, entrust the cleaning of your teeth to a sonic toothbrush like the ISSA 3 from FOREO, which recharges once a year and offers to while softness thanks to its ultra-soft silicone brush. You can also choose between 16 speeds depending on your needs and the sensitivity of your teeth or gums. And thanks to the sonic pulsation technology, your teeth are perfectly cleaned, without aggressiveness.

Brush Your Teeth Regularly

Twice a day is a minimum so as not to let acidity and bacteria stagnate on your teeth. Also, use dental floss to don’t miss anything between your teeth.  No too hot tea, no ice will seize your barricaded teeth with pain! It will protect your protective enamel and make your teeth stronger.

Ask Your Dentist For Advice

If you experience sudden tooth sensitivity, it is best to seek the advice of your dentist, who will check the condition of your tooth enamel and ensure that there is not another problem at the same time. In any case, he can provide you with some valuable advice and prescribe products capable of relieving your sensitivity.

Use A Suitable Toothpaste

Not all toothpaste claims to protect sensitive teeth are genuinely effective. Avoid overly abrasive toothpaste that promises to whiten your teeth and look to ingredients like fluorine and permetheol that strengthen the dentin at the base of your teeth.  If you have any doubts, your dentist can refer you.

Watch Your Diet

As we mentioned above, sweet and acidic foods promote tooth sensitivity. If you can’t do deprived of your daily dose of candy, multiply your brushings so as not to let bacteria feast on the back of your enamel!

Wear A Gutter

Relax your jaw, perform cheek stretching exercises, and relax! If you tend to chore your teeth at night, your dentist will prescribe an aligner to wear while you slumber to prevent your teeth from knocking together. And the rest of the day, try to avoid “gritting your teeth” at each annoyance.

Chew Plants

Certain plants have pain-relieving properties that will help you cope with the extreme sensitivity of your teeth… It is the case with cloves, long used by dentists as an anesthetic. You can apply one or two drops of essential oil to the sensitive area to ease the pain. You can also chew a clove directly if you don’t have an essential oil on hand.

You can also prepare a soft paste by mixing half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper with powdered ginger and a little water. Apply where it hurts to do good…

Gels And Baths

You will also find dental gels or mouthwashes in pharmacies specially designed to relieve sensitive teeth. Ask your pharmacist for advice to find the product best suited to your needs.

To The Edge Of The Teeth

Whatever the origin of your tooth sensitivity, the opinion of your dentist is essential if the pain does not pass. He will be able to make a sure diagnosis and assess the possible seriousness of your case. Sensitive teeth are a prevalent ailment mainly affecting adults between 20 and 50 years old. So don’t panic; there’s nothing wrong with being hypersensitive…