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Pregnant Women, it’s Time to Manage Your Workout

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Pregnant women, it’s time to manage your workout. – For the health of the child and yours, it is essential to maintain activity during your pregnancy while adapting sessions.

Take Your Time And Take Care Of Yourself

Indeed, your body will change during and after, you will not have all the same physical consequences, do not try to control your weight but rather your workouts; for the rest, leave it to Mother Nature.

You have to do pregnant sports, but not just anyhow. During all your sessions, be attentive to all sensations. You have to attend to your body and your feelings.

Accept Periods Of Change

You are pregnant, and you have to manage your body; this involves accepting the changes that will take place during your pregnancy. The changes are multiple, and some are easier to get than others. And you will lose them with childbirth and little by little with fitness, resumption of physical activity and an adapted diet. Rest assured, the weight gain is entirely average; you will gain 11 to 16 pounds on average.

Eating slightly more is expected; you are not going to eat for two, but your body needs more calories to provide the energy necessary for the baby’s development.

Remove These Bad Things For Both Of You

For the decent of your baby and yours, it to avoid:

Tobacco: it could smoke its environment and contribute to malformations, developmental delays, or even childhood illnesses and could upsurge the risk of sudden infant death syndrome.

Alcohol: part of it also passes into your child’s blood; just like tobacco, it can affect his development.

Caffeine: too stimulating for the baby who already has a high heart rate (150-180 Beats Per Minute), it may increase the beating of his heart even more. It can increase the risk of mortality in infants and contribute to cardiovascular disturbances. For him, it has no benefit, so do without caffeine.

Overly intensive sports sessions: Avoid shortness of breath during your workouts to not create oxygen debt for your baby and not exhaust yourself; your body is already in full action with your pregnancy.

With all these possible bad things for your baby and your health, it would be better to do without it, right?

Exercises Not To Do For Pregnant Women

Exercises Not To Do For Pregnant Women

Before making any decisions about a sports program, consult your doctor’s advice.

The first two or three months are often harmless and do not generally present a sports contraindication.

Pregnant women to manage your workout.  –  Up to 3 months; you can continue your classic exercises by gradually moderating your efforts (no interval training, no endurance training session at the threshold, nor above 75/80% of your VMA). Also, avoid weight training sessions with hefty loads that stay below 80% of your Maximum Repetition (max load).

_ From the 4th month, stop doing elongated exercises (all types of crunch, obliques, sit-ups, leg raises, etc.) as this is complicated for venous return and can put pressure on the vena cava. Prefer exercises in a seated position and on assisted machines while keeping the load but reduced.

Prefer exercises like the squat (avoid full amplitude, do semi-squats if necessary), the hip thrust with your back supported, and with a low number of repetitions per series (3 repetitions are enough).

So What Can We Do – Pregnant women

Work on your cardio and continue weight training by adjusting the loads

Continuing the endurance sessions is very important to avoid cardiovascular risks or gestational diabetes. Maintain your heart by practicing at a light pace without oxygen debt; that is, you can speak while making this light effort.

Do not get tired; it is not a specific work session but essential endurance, maintenance of the body, and especially your heart.

Pregnant Women Workout

Pregnant Women Workout

The best exercise when you are pregnant is brisk walking (with a regular frequency: 2 to 3 times a week minimum for 20 to 30 minutes) that you can perform throughout your pregnancy by constantly adjusting your speed according to your feelings.

Regarding bodybuilding, up to the 4th month (subject to medical advice), you can continue the exercises with load, however, do not get tired on your sets.
Here is an example of a training program suitable for pregnant women up to 4 months.

Adapt All Parameters According To Your Level

From the 6th month, standing movements without load and mobility gestures. Indeed, your body arrives at the end of pregnancy and must take care of itself, the weight training sessions with a load must enormously decrease, you will have all your time to resume after childbirth. Choose bodyweight exercises with rubber bands or a Swiss ball.

To replace your training, we recommend Stretching, Yoga, or Qi-Gong.
These training methods will allow you to regain proper posture, fluid gestures, deep breathing, and energy boost.
Caution: Mention that you are pregnant with the instructor because certain positions could be dangerous, particularly the upside down and inverted positions.

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And What About Diet?

Currently, our plates no longer contain all the nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of the body. It is why during pregnancy, we recommend certain dietary supplements.

As with many pregnant women, you should consult your doctor’s advice before committing to work. Many vitamin supplements provide the baby with everything he needs. First, folic acid is beneficial for developing the child’s brain and its immune and hormonal systems.

Remember that protein intake increases in pregnant women, so you need a few grams of additional protein (prefer animal proteins because they are more readily available, in large quantities, and with the necessary amino acids). For the amount, on average pregnant women need 60 grams of protein per day, this varies depending on the person, and some dietitian’s nutritionists recommend up to 100 g.

  • Pregnant women to manage your workout.

Here are some examples of protein: egg, fish, poultry, red meat, milk, almond, lentils, cheese.

You can also extra with fish oil or cod liver oil , for example, omega 3.

For bones, calcium is optional. It originates in broccoli, parsley, sprouted seeds, nuts, and dairy products in abundance.

Rest assured, if you eat more, it is also the principle of pregnancy because eating well (in quality and insufficient quantity) is above all the good health of your baby.

In Conclusion

You must continue physical activity to facilitate your pregnancy and the baby’s development. Never try to beat your personal bests, progress on an exercise, or even get tired whatever the week of pregnancy. It will work throughout the maintenance process for your body.

The first trimester: be vigilant without limiting yourself too much to your sessions, listen to your feelings, and never go to muscle failure.

The second trimester: prioritize bodyweight exercises, avoid lying down, and go to a sitting position if there is a light load.

The last trimester: Prioritize health use accessories such as the swiss ball and elastics rather than loads.

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