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Focus On High-Intensity Training (HIIT)

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Focus On High-Intensity Training (HIIT) – Benefits of this type of workout, examples of exercises for your high-intensity training, and tips for doing them well.

HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training), or high-intensity interval training, has become in recent years a trendy training protocol in the field of sport without equipment. A sporting phenomenon that is becoming more and more important and attracting more and more athletes with its many advantages.

Focus On High-Intensity Training

HIIT is one of the most intensive physical activities to work on your cardio and muscles. Whether you want to lose fat or make an intense effort to improve your cardio, this form of interval training is for you.

Let’s go! Zoom on the various advantages of this sports training by combining cardio and muscular exercises for intensive training. Follow our advice to work out hard!

Fitness And Sport Activity: What Is High-Intensity Training?

In 1996, thanks to a study conducted by Professor Izumi Tabata, HIIT began to gain interest in the eyes of the sports community. In his analysis of the “effects of moderate-intensity endurance and HIIT on anaerobic capacity and VO2max,” the professor makes a startling revelation. It shows that high-intensity training is more effective than moderate exercise in developing cardiovascular capacity and burning fat.

Several Types Of Protocols To Burn Calories Quickly

This type of sports training comes in several sports protocols, but here are the two most famous:

  • Tabata protocol consists of a series of four-minute workouts. You do eight cycles of 20 seconds of high-intensity effort and 10 seconds of recovery between each cycle. It is a super-intensive version of HIIT; you’ll have to hang in there if you’re a beginner!
  • Little Protocol: method instead focused on long training sessions lasting between 20 and 30 minutes to tone your athletic figure. This interval training consists of 12 cycles with periods of high intensity (60 seconds) and low intensity (75 seconds).

How Is A High-Intensity Workout Organized?

Whether you are original to sports or a knowledgeable athlete, a high-intensity training session does not happen in a hurry; on the contrary!

  • Don’t neglect your warm-up. It is essential to warm up the different muscle groups you will be working on before starting your session not to injure yourself.
  • Loss of fat, increase in your endurance or muscle building, HIIT is a physical activity that will meet your sporting goals. One thing to know before you start: HIIT training can be modified and suitable for all types of athletes of all levels. You can both customize the exercises and the length of their intervals, as well as their intensity.
  • Recovery time (or rest time) is also essential for a good HIIT session. Never neglect this recovery period! If you don’t rest between intervals, it just isn’t HIIT. Without recovery, your body cannot recover from more intense work. Consequence: you will not be able to maintain a high-intensity level throughout the session, which will degrade the quality of your interval training and thus reduce the beneficial effects on your body. Doing interval training is serious!
  • One thing to consider when going for an interval workout is the intensity of the work. It must be around 80% of your maximum heart rate to calculate it. How do you know when you reach that limit? It would help if you had difficulty having a conversation when you’re working out so intensely.

What Are The Benefits Of High-Intensity Training

  • This type of interval training will improve your physical performance: better resistance to effort, more cardio-respiratory capacity … but not only. Daily, you will feel a fundamental change in your body. Overall, you’ll be in better shape, whether it’s running efficiently to catch up with your bus in the morning or when you wander around and quickly climb the stairs in your dreaded workplace.
  • HIIT training has many benefits for your metabolism. In particular, it improves your aerobic and anaerobic capacities … squeaky? Your muscles use glucose in two ways: aerobically, that is, when they are oxygenated, or anaerobic, without oxygen. This intensive training program also improves your blood pressure, cardiovascular health, and cholesterol levels.

Focus On High-Intensity Training

  • Focus On High-Intensity Training – This type of sports training is for anyone next to a weight loss program or mass gain program, this type of sports training is for you. Indeed, HIIT accelerates fat loss, which means that you will burn the fat stored in your body. You will quickly melt with this type of interval training
  • Save time: The exact format of HIIT saves you time. The workout is very short and intense, ideal for people who want to lose weight or improve their cardio but have little time to devote to sport and want quick results.
  • The after-burn effect is a phenomenon where you burn calories after high-intensity training. The intensity of this afterburning effect depends on the intensity of the movement. And, what could be better than HIIT for maintaining the power of your exercise and losing the maximum amount of calories?

Hiit, Scientifically Proven Sports Training

In 1994, Dr. Tremblay’s study highlighted the positive influence of HIIT on weight loss in athletes. According to this scientific study, a 15-week high-intensity interval training program results in nine times more fat loss than more traditional 20-week endurance training. Going flat stomach, you will lose weight much faster with this type of sports training.

In 2012, Australian scientists carried out a study on the “effects of HIIT on the body composition of young overweight men.” Scientists confirm the positive influence of intensive interval sports training on respiratory endurance capacities, results already demonstrated by Professor Tabata. It also proves that HIIT sessions increase your body’s basal metabolism. Basically, you continue to melt even when you rest from your favorite series after an intensive session! And several hours after your sports session with intense physical exercises.

High-Intensity Training, Various Exercises Outdoors Or At Home

With Fitness, you can practice your high-intensity workout wherever you want, whether it’s in your living room or at the gym. Then follow our different exercises or our personalized six-week program. Or, you can practice some simple exercises to perform, which require little sports equipment.

Some Types Of Exercises:

  • Burpees: bend your knees, lean forward and put your hands on the floor, jump with your feet together back and then reposition yourself as you start. Stand up and jump. This exercise works the whole body, you’ll see, it’s very effective!
  • Individual pull-ups: Standing with the weights in front of you on the floor, you will do a squat, pick up the weight with one hand and push it upwards to above your chest. The elbow should always be above the wrist, so the muscles work, but your wrist is not.
  • Strike with weights: Standing, with a weight in each hand, you will hit alternately forward and to the left. A word of advice, practice this exercise in front of a mirror to maintain an upright posture.

If you practice it diligently, high-intensity training will bring you mind-blowing results rather quickly. However, this exercise carries a greater risk of musculoskeletal injury than Fitness or Fitness. To be accompanied in complete safety, why not get coached by Fitness, your slimming partner?

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