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The Ten Aesthetic Surgeries – Would you change about your body? 

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What are Aesthetic Surgeries

Aesthetic surgery, commonly called cosmetic surgery, is a field of medicine that emphasises surgically altering a person’s look. Elective procedures, such as cosmetic surgery, are usually carried out to enhance a person’s self-image or increase confidence.

Liposuction, facelifts, nose jobs, and eyelid surgeries are some of the most popular aesthetic procedures. These operations, which a plastic surgeon typically carries out, may involve inserting implants, removing extra tissue, or remodelling certain body parts.

It is crucial to remember that there are risks associated with aesthetic surgery, so anyone thinking about getting one should carefully weigh the advantages and disadvantages. These operations can also be costly, and they

Ten Aesthetic Surgeries – Moms, the Most Demanded

Breast surgeries undoubtedly lead the ranking in all its aspects because there are all kinds of cases, from women who want to increase their bra size to those who need to reduce it to avoid discomfort, going through breast lifts or prosthesis removal.

Although there is a striking trend, and it is that according to these professional members of SECURE, secondary breast surgery has increased a lot,” that is, those aimed at correcting all those anomalies that may arise after a breast augmentation.

It is something that happens “especially in patients with prostheses, because the implants, as we always explain, do not last a lifetime at all, and their status must be checked periodically and changed at the time. And given that we have had many surgeries with implants for decades, it is normal that there are more and more surgeries for the revision, changes, or removal of these”, confirm the doctors.

Breast Augmentation

It is a prevalent type of surgery in which the breasts volume can treat hypoplastic or small breasts. It is demanded by all kinds of women, from 18 to 60.

«We are not only looking for the increase in volume. Many times the objective is to correct breast anomalies or malformations, in the case of tuberous breasts, breast atrophies, asymmetries, or to correct minimal ptosis (drooping of the breast) or descents of the breast that do not require skin removal”, the surgeons explain.

 Elevations with prostheses or augmentation mastopexies

It is a type of surgery performed on breasts that have fallen after lactation, considerable weight loss, or hormonal changes. “In this action, the chest is altered and raised, unlike plastics that include removing skin and adjusting tissues. Needful scars, which range from around the areola, to vertical or even in the form of an inverted in the fold,” point out. Cases, experts point out that the use of implants “to give more volume or to improve the breast shape” is more every day. However, a mastopexy (breast lift) can be without them.

The ages of women who demand this type of intervention are between 25-60 years. “It is striking that we are now also doing them in young women, who have not yet had pregnancies, due to the increasingly frequent eating disorders and the weight changes that they entail,” assure these SECURE member doctors.

Ten Aesthetic Surgeries – Breast reductions

Although the age range with the highest incidence is from 40 years, both specialists highlight that they by younger patients, who no longer wait to have pregnancies (which, on the other hand, are increasingly late). “These young patients usually wait to complete breast development, but it is no longer uncommon for them to request it when they are 19-20 years old,” they indicate.

In general, patients who undergo this surgery are “women who have spent their entire lives bearing excessive breast weight and the great discomfort that it entails,” they explain. Hence. It is one of the most appreciated surgeries because it solves these problems of breast weight, back pain, breast pain, difficulty in examinations, etc., stress.

Ten Aesthetic Surgeries – Liposuction

Ten Aesthetic Surgeries – It is the extraction of fat through cannulas to reshape the shape and lose a little volume. Contrary to what many people sometimes think. The specialists emphasize that “liposuction seeks to reshape and reduce resistant fat deposits in people with normal weight. Thus not being a surgery to lose weight.”

Within this category, the doctors highlight the case of a pathology unknown until a few years ago: lipedema. “It is a chronic disease that consists of serious fatty accumulations in the lower and sometimes upper limbs. Which do not respond to diet or exercise, and which worsen over time, becoming almost incapacitating in advanced stages. Not to mention the important deformity when they reach a certain volume”, they explain.

“We estimate that lipedema affects 11-18% of women and usually begins at puberty. So we are treating women from 18-20 years old,” they say.

Another concept included in liposuction is liposculpture , which goes beyond extracting fat where there is excess. Instead, it infiltrates it into other areas such as the breasts, buttocks, hips, or pectorals to reshape them.

“Theyare surgeries that change a body. And the quality of the skin is key to a good result as well as the technology used. Patients who undergo this type of intervention (“neither simple nor small”) are between 18 and 60 years old.

Lifts without prosthesis

This type of surgery involves sagging breasts with a volume that patients like. In breasts that are too sloped, or in patients who do not want implants. “In these cases, their tissues are remodeled with the different techniques mentioned above. Sometimes you can associate an  (increase with own fat) if you are looking for a discreet increase in volume but with your tissues », detail the plastic surgeons. The age range, in this case, would be between 25-70 approximately according to what they say.

Prosthesis removal

An intervention is increasingly required: removing the prosthesis and the remodeling of the breast through a mastopexy (elevation). It is a type of surgery that “many times. Resorting to augmentation with own fat, in cases where after removing the implants the breast is empty or the patient does not want a minimal volume.”

«We would be talking about 35-70 years old, patients. Who have had prostheses for more or fewer years and decide to remove them instead of changing. Them in the event of a breakage or some complication such as capsular contracture, pain, malposition, or simply because they no longer want their implants. » explain the doctors.

Avoid going back to the operating room

Patients may have more breast volume than when they underwent surgery years ago due to gaining weight (average after menopause). “Others, on the other hand, even if they don’t have much of the gland. Want to remove it without putting in a new implant. Even if it is much smaller because they are afraid or don’t want to have to go through the operating room anymore,” they point out.

They also refer to patients who “although they do not have any complications with their implants. Ask us to remove them. Out of disgust with them or fear of hypothetical pathologies or various reasons.” Depending on your breast, tissues, and size of the implants. Sometimes it is even possible to remove them.

Body contouring surgeries

After breast surgeries, the most critical and frequent group among the aesthetic plastic surgeries in our country is remodeling or body contouring surgery. Among them, the most popular leads: the

Tummy tuck” (abdominoplasty)

It is the skin resection at the abdominal level when there is excess or flaccidity. According to plastic surgeons Martínez and Grande. It “combined with different liposuction techniques to reshape and reduce the abdomen and sides, repairing the abdominal wall to correct muscle diastasis and possible hernias.” After massive weight loss or pregnancies. It is a surgery that causes muscle weakness (diastasis recti) and that laxity or flaccidity of the tissues of the abdomen.


These are surgeries that correct excess skin after significant weight loss. Either after bariatric surgery (to lose weight in cases of obesity or overweight) or after weight loss with diet and exercise. Dermolipectomies stretch and dry out the excess tissues once the skin no longer retracts, and they are the only way to reshape different body areas, such as the chest, arms, abdomen, thighs, buttocks, back, etc.

“We have patients of all ages, from young patients. But unfortunately, they have suffered major eating disorders more frequently every day, to older patients. With or without previous bariatric surgery, who seek to recover a pleasing body contour or improve their quality of life. Life, because sometimes these enormous excesses of skin are very incapacitating”, they point out from SECURE.

“As long as their health conditions allow it (analysis, associated pathologies…). We will operate on them, of course with careful preoperative preparation. Since they are long surgeries and not without risk,” they indicate. Of course, the specialists emphasize that they are very grateful surgeries and that they cause great happiness” to the patients.