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How to Use Each Type of Makeup Remover Correctly

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How to use each type of makeup remover correctly – The evolution of cosmetics has given rise to very different formats of makeup removers that adapt to all skin types and needs. Regardless of its composition, each kind of makeup remover is indicated for a type of skin : normal, combination, sensitive, oily, dry or mature.

That is why each format requires a different ritual to make the most of its advantages for the face. And it is not surprising that faced with so much variety. Sometimes doubts arise as to the most appropriate way to use each one.

Can I lighten my face after using micellar water? Does the skin have to be damp before the makeup remover milk? And if I use wipes, do I have to wash the skin at the end? From the hand of Begona Gomez, an expert in treatments at the Yves Rocher firm. We try to resolve these and other doubts that we may have when it comes to knowing how to use each type of makeup remover correctly.

Types of Makeup Remover: How are They Used?

Makeup Remover Correctly – Makeup Remover Gel

If there is a product to clean facial makeup comfortable for us, it is the gel. Although it is more appropriate for combination or oily skin. Not only because it gives us that feeling of deep cleansing thanks to the contact with the foam and the water directly on our face, but also because we can used it in the shower. Thus, we can do the morning cleaning before the skin treatment while we shower.

It is necessary to always apply the makeup remover gel on damp skin either in the shower or over the sink. The Yves Rocher expert recommends spreading a drop the size of a chickpea, then gently massaging ( without rubbing ) and then rinsing. She also highlights that it is advisable to avoid contact with the eyes.

Makeup Remover Milk

This traditional cleansing cosmetic is ideal for dry and mature skin because it removes dirt while leaving the skin hydrated and soft. However. Two doubts may arise in this case: the amount of product we should use and if the subsequent rinsing is necessary/appropriate.

In this case, the amount of product should be hazelnut, as Begoña Gómez points out. In addition, she explains that spread over dry face, eyes and lips. The cotton pad. And no, it is not rinsed with water

Micellar Water

Micellar Water

Years ago, we discovered this format of gentle makeup remover suitable for all skin types. Its virtue is in the micelles, which trap dirt and drag it without the need for soaps or oily ingredients.

According to Gomez. Micellar water applied a cotton ball on dry skin on the face, neck, and eyes. He emphasizes in this case that it is essential not to rub, but to give small touches »since the micelles are responsible for trapping dirt. For this same reason, with micellar water,” you don’t have to rinse with water either”.

Makeup Remover Oil

Oil is another format that burst into cosmetics with force a few years ago, causing great acceptance. Although a priori it is a more appropriate texture for dry and mature skin, there are formulas such as Yves Rocher Pure Camomille Calming Cleansing Oil designed for sensitive skin.

As the expert explains, “two drops are enough and should be applied to a dry face, eyes and lips. To apply it correctly, you have to massage the skin gently (remove makeup and dirt) and then rinse. If you have dehydrated skin, you can remove the excess product with a cotton pad,” advises Begoña Gomez.

Makeup Remover Foam

This format is also very convenient because it dispenses with cotton discs. But, of course, we will need water to rinse the face and remove the foam remains.

Spread on a damp face. Massage gently and then rinse with water. The perfect dose is the size of a walnut, and it is advisable to avoid contact with the eyes, “recommends the expert.

Facial cleansing Wipes

Although they are not the least recommended option. They are still a good alternative at specific times and occasions since they allow us great comfort. They are ideal, for example, when we do not have water at hand and we want to remove makeup or dirt accumulated throughout the day.

The expert explains that we should not use. This type of wipes on damp skin and gives us the key to making them as less aggressive as possible. Slide them over the face. Without applying too much pressure or rubbing ” to remove both the makeup like dirt. She also reminds us that makeup remover wipes do not require rinsing and advises us to “take care to close the container after using them carefully”.